Story 42: The Ascension

Story 42

The Ascension ♫

Matthew 18-20; Mark 16:19-20; Luke 24:51; Acts 1:6-11



The Bridge: After His resurrection, Jesus spent approximately 40 days with His disciples giving them instructions for sharing this glorious news with others.


The Story:

    • Over the weeks following His resurrection, Jesus showed Himself to many people to confirm that He had risen from the dead. He appeared to the women at the tomb (Matthew 28:9); the disciples (Matthew 28:16; John 20: 15, 20, 26; 21:1); 500 brethren (1 Corinthians 15:6 combined with Matthew 28:16-17); and James [His earthly family] (1 Corinthians 15:7). Jesus wanted them to know for sure that He was alive!
    • He told His disciples to go into the entire world and tell everyone, everywhere, the good news that Jesus had died and risen again to remove the curse from their lives. Jesus was the sacrificial lamb who shed His blood to take away our sins.
    • When He was taken up to heaven, He said, “Wait for the Holy Spirit whom I am sending. After He comes, you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and all of the earth (Acts 1:8).
    • Then Jesus blessed the disciples, was taken up to heaven, and disappeared in a cloud (Acts 1:9). Two angels appeared and said, “Just as you saw Him go, someday He will return” (Acts 1:10-11).
    • The disciples returned to Jerusalem filled with joy and praising God. They waited there for the promise Jesus made to send the Holy Spirit as their “Helper” and “Teacher” (John 16:1-33).
    • Just as Jesus had been their Comforter, Teacher, Helper, and Guide. He sent His Holy Spirit to be with all who believe that He is the perfect Substitute who was sacrificed for their sin and rose again to forgive them of their sin and give them eternal life.

What should your response to HIStory be?


♫ A song such as “Amazing Grace” or “Jesus Loves Me” (for children) may be used here. (See “downloads” for lyrics and chords.)